Monday, May 30, 2011



I don't think my results were very good, or very acurate at all. I don't think the water was as basic as I found, nor do I think the soil was actually that acidic. In regard to the suspended and dissolved solids experiment, it seems highly suspicious that roughly half of my sample was solid (229 grams out of 500). This means that my sample was 458,000 ppm (parts per million) solid. As a result, I do not think the water from my stream is fit for human consumption.

In regard to the abiotic factors that I observed, I think these were also poorly measured. It seems quite odd that the water temperature was -32 degrees celcius (which means that it was frozen), but at the same time it was travelling at 8m/s on a day which was quite hot (47 degrees celcius). Not to mention the fact that the wind speed I measured was hurricane forced winds according to the Beaufort Wind Force Scale (see information on the beaufort scale at wikipedia). Not to mention the creek was 18 metres deep.

I would rather expect different values for most of my results if I were to retest this freshwater creek.

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